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Hot trends for September 16, 2008

IT Solutions, Web Design and Web Development

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:24:40 PDT
IT Solutions, Web Design and Web Development Today, there are actually so many bulking up businesses in the world, not just in the Philippines that deal with different services focused on IT solutions and web development as well as web site design. While browsing over in different forums like Digital Point Forums, I found out that the web development services alone would cradle up to 90 % of the whole feature services that the guys in the forum offer. There are so many diverse types of services

Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: A Shotgun Marriage

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:17:34 PDT
First it was Bear Stearns and JP Morgan, then Bristol Palin and Levi. Now it's Bank of America and Merrill Lynch. I hope these mergers are just a blip on the radar, not a growing trend.There was a time when banks were separated from investment banks, until Phil Gramm changed it all by removing that barrier, which kept us safe for decades.

Keren Cohen: Promoting Acceptance of Adult Therapy in Israel

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:46:20 PDT
Public Relations and NewsFeature StoriesKeren Cohen talks about her graduate work as both an academic pursuit and a personal story. Cohen, a second year student of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) in the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP), is preparing to work as a therapist in her home country of Israel......

T-Mobile posts BlackBerry Pearl 8220 to online store, not yet available

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 20:26:30 PDT
T-Mobile posts BlackBerry Pearl 8220 to online store, not yet available Posted by: admin in Mobile News T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl 8220 with WiFi It’s a small step, but a step forward nonetheless, for flip-phone fans looking for a clamshell BlackBerry handset. T-Mobile, long expected to be the official launch-carrier for Waterloo’s first BlackBerry flip-phone, has finally posted the BlackBerry Pearl 8220 flip-phone on their web-store. The BlackBerry Pearl 8220 is still “coming soon,” ac

Cable TV's cheery reporters deliver news of "Nightmare on Wall Street" (San Jose Mercury News)

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 17:41:50 PDT
Investors held their collective breath as the financial markets opened for business Tuesday morning, waiting to see how the Dow Jones Industrials would respond to Monday's 504-point selloff. But at cable television's financial news channels, where breathlessness is a routine part of every investing day, and closed-door Fed meetings receive a kind of swoony coverage that sometimes feels better ...

The Federal Government: Now the World’s Largest Housing Co.

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:32:00 PDT
Socialists could never have done to the market what the free marketers have. What they never wanted done, they're now down on their knees begging for. "Buy us. Please buy us. Save us from ourselves". As the news that AIG has sold 79.9% itself to the Federal government for 85 billion dollars, Scarecrow wrote to me: ...

La Grande Jatte

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:53:07 PDT
GEORGES SEURAT SUNDAY ON LA GRANDE JATTE ART POSTER Price: US $5.95 Sale ends in: 38m Item details SEURAT repro THE SEINE AT LA GRANDE JATTE ART 1807R Price: US $18.99 Sale ends in: 5h 36m Item details GEORGES SEURAT repro LA GRANDE JATTE ART PAINTING 1140J Price: US $18.99 Sale ends in: 21h 16m Item details GEORGES SEURAT LA GRANDE JATTE ART POSTER PRINT Price: US $2.99 Sale ends in: 22h 16m Item details GEORGES SEURAT

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